[ALT PORT] BookMyShow Indonesia

Pertanyaan yang Sering Diajukan


  • How can I get assistance if I need it

We are here to Help You!

Email BookMyShow

BookMyShow looks forward to helping you with your inquiry. 

We respond to email messages in the order that they are received, and we will respond to your email as quickly as possible, write to us at [email protected]

Speak to our representative

Ask your question right now with a member of the BookMyShow Customer Care team. Go Ahead - Start a Conversation With Us Now!

Call: +62 21 2789 9999

Operation Hours: 09:00 AM – 08:00 PM

  • Want to list an event on BookMyShow?

We'll be glad to hear you out! You can send us your request along with your contact details at [email protected] and our business development team shall contact you. You can expect to hear back in 24 - 48 hours if feasible.

  • Can you please share the process for Bulk Booking?

We'll be glad to hear you out! You can send us your request along with your contact details at [email protected] and our corporate team shall contact you. You can expect to hear back in 24 - 48 hours if feasible.

P.S: You will have to book a minimum of twenty tickets in case of an event to honor your request.

Ticket Booking

  • How do I get a confirmation of my booking?

When your booking is successful, we will send your booking details by email. Not to forget, check your inbox/spam/junk folders to find the booking confirmation e-mail.

  • What if I didn’t receive a booking confirmation?

If you didn’t get any confirmation you can resend your booking id by clicking the ‘Resend booking confirmation’ button that is available on the main page of our website and keying in your contact details that are used during the time of the booking. Your booking id will be automatically resent from our system by e-mail.

  • Can I book tickets for any location from BookMyShow?

Absolutely, BookMyShow has made ticket booking effortless for you. All you need to do is, open the portal and grab the tickets for any events you wish.

  • What are the age restrictions for an event?

Age restrictions vary by event, so we encourage you to read the event information carefully, before purchasing your ticket(s), to determine if you are eligible to enter the event. Age restrictions are set by the promoter, not the ticketing company.

  • How many maximum tickets can be purchased per transaction?

You can purchase a maximum of 12 tickets per transaction for every seat category. The number of maximums purchased can be varied anytime.

  • Can I choose my preferred seats?

Absolutely! You can choose the desired seats on the seat layout page. This facility is only available for venues that offer seat selection while booking apart from free seating venues.

P.S.: Some events will not have seat selection and you will not be able to choose your seat, but you'll be automatically assigned to the best seat available by our system.

  • My previous transaction was canceled/incomplete. Why do the selected seats appear to be booked?

We all have that favorite seat to watch the event, don't we?

In case you've selected the seats & have proceeded to the next page, the seats are blocked to prevent another user from opting for the same seats. 

If the booking is left incomplete/canceled or is unsuccessful, the seats are blocked for 5 to 10 minutes which get released back for purchase post the mentioned time.

10 minutes have passed but still no luck. What now?

Ideally, seats are auto-released in 5 to 10 minutes. Chances are, someone else might have grabbed them. We urge you to go for the next best available seats and/or simply book another show of your choice.

  • Is there any extra charge for booking?

We wish to inform you that the convenience fee is levied on transactions with BookMyShow for online booking facilities provided by us through which customers get a wide range of choices to book their tickets for various events with convenient modes of payment. It enables customers to book tickets remotely for the shows desired to be attended by them across the event space of their choice and thus avoid the hassle of traveling to the venue in advance and waiting in long queues to book desired seats/categories for shows of their choice.

BookMyShow respects & abides by guidelines laid down by the highest regulatory authorities of the country. Practices followed by BookMyShow are consistent with its own as well as those of other digital commerce channels over the years.

  • Is there any cut-off for booking a ticket?

The cut-off time depends on the promoter. Each event has its own cut-off time policies. It is usually 1-2 hours before the event starts.

  • Accidentally I booked a ticket for today's schedule meanwhile it should be tomorrow’s schedule. Can I change it? Is it allowed to cancel or to reschedule my ticket?

All the tickets that have successfully booked are strictly non-refundable, non-cancelable, and cannot be rescheduled.

Mode of Delivery

  • What is Self–Collect?

Self–collect means that the user will have to be physically present at the venue to self–collect the physical ticket from the box office or registered outlets in exchange for the e-mail confirmation.

The e-mail confirmation will not be treated as a ticket to enter the event venue. It needs to be redeemed with the physical event ticket/wristbands that will stand valid to enter the event space.

  • What is E-ticket?

E–Ticket means electronic ticket; the user does not have to go to the box office or registered outlets to collect the physical ticket. The PDF attached to the e-mail confirmation will be treated as the ticket to enter the event venue. It needs to be presented to enter the event space. We recommend you print those PDFs and carry them to the venue for a smooth experience during the entry process. 

P.S: Please ensure that the E-tickets sent to you via mail are downloaded and saved on your mobile handsets as networks may fail at the venue and you won’t be able to enter without them. Please do not pass on your tickets to anybody, as they may misuse it. We will not be liable for any difficulties caused by an authorized copy or reproduction of the ticket.

  • I have booked tickets for a concert/sporting event & have opted for the Self–Collect option. How do I collect my tickets?

You will have to display the E-mail confirmation at the counter in order to gain access to the venue. It is advisable to carry the credit/debit card used in the transaction. If you have transacted through a non-card transaction, carry your ID proof, since there might be security-mandated verifications at the venue.

For major concerts/events/sports games, we make it a point that the event page is updated with all the details of the box office counters and registered outlets. Details like counter location, counter operation date, and time, Users are expected to arrive at least 60 - 90 minutes prior to the event so as to avoid the last-minute rush.


  • What are the available payment methods to purchase ticket(s)?

BookMyShow offers you multiple payment methods. 

Whatever your online mode of payment may be, you can be assured that BookMyShow is a trusted payment gateway partner which uses secure encryption technology to keep your transaction details confidential at all times.

We do offer multiple payment methods to make it easier for the user to book and enjoy their desired movies with just one click. We have an ocean of payment modes available on our portal – Visa Debit and Credit Card, Master Debit and Credit Card, American Express, JCB, Bank Transfer, and ATM payment for BCA, BNI, Mandiri, Bank BRI, and Permata Bank.

To better the user experience we will add more payment methods.

  • Verified by Visa - Mastercard secure code

Verified by Visa – Mastercard provides extra protection to ensure that only you can use your Visa / Mastercard to make any online purchases. Most of Indonesian banks have already used the OTP (One Time Password) system. You only need to ensure that you have registered your active mobile number with your Visa-Mastercard card issuing bank. Please notice to always bring your mobile phone with you when making an online purchase to receive an OTP. If your Visa card and the online store or site where you shop are supported by Verified by Visa, you will receive a One Time Password (OTP) which will be sent to your mobile number registered at the bank.

  • How can I get an OTP?

You can check with your Visa card issuing bank, whether your Visa card has a Verified Visa / Mastercard secure code feature. Ensure your current active mobile number is registered to the Visa – Mastercard issuing bank to receive an OTP.

  • While purchasing a ticket, the website asks to input credit card details along with the CVV. What is CVV?

CVV is a 3-digit code printed on the back of the Visa – Mastercard credit card. This is extra protection to ensure that only the cardholder has physical access to the credit card to use the CVV code. 

  1. For Visa and Mastercard CVV is a 3-digit code with embossed print at the back of the card.
  2. For American Express, CVV is a 4-digit code on the front right side of the card above the card number.

  • Is it safe to enter my credit card information on your website? I am worried about my card information being hacked or stolen! 

We understand your concern.

BookMyShow ensures the highest level of security for all our customers who transact online

All credit card and debit card payments on BookMyShow are processed through secure and trusted payment gateways which are managed by most of the well-known banks of Indonesia. Banks in Indonesia use the 3D Secure password service for online transactions, providing an additional layer of security through identity verification.

  • I am trying to make a credit card payment but my transaction keeps getting rejected. What do I do now?

That's upsetting. 

Please check the details entered are correct like the expiration date, CVV and finally the Verified by VISA /Mastercard password.

Still, no luck? Please try using an alternate payment option. In case the issue persists, please connect with the bank.

  • My amount was charged, but I have not received the E-mail confirmation.

That’s something we don’t like to hear!

This is a very rare situation and can occur in the case of network fluctuations in the place at the time of transaction confirmation.

Kindly contact us at +62 21 2789 9999 or email us at [email protected] for further assistance.

  • I Have booked a ticket at BookMyShow but the event is cancelled. How do I get my Refund?

Refund Information

[ENG] FAQs – Key Questions :

  • How long is the refund process?

The refund estimator will be : 

1. Debit/Credit Card: 14 - 30 working days (exclude public holidays and weekends)

2. Indonesian Debit Card: 7 - 14 working days (exclude public holidays and weekends)

3. Indonesia Bank Transfer: 7 - 14 working days (exclude public holidays and weekends)

  • How is the refund process if I bought my tickets using a credit/debit card (Visa/Master)?

The refund will proceed automatically to your credit card limit due to the service undertaken. You may check the newest next month's. 

  • How is the refund process if I bought my tickets using an Indonesian debit card (Visa/Master)?

All the refunds will be processed manually via Indonesia bank transfer. You need to give your bank details to be processed. Once a refund has been made you will get a notification from email. The estimation counted since we received the bank details from the customer. 

  • How is the refund process if I paid through Virtual Account (bank transfer)?

All the refunds will be processed manually via Indonesia bank transfer. You need to give your bank details to be processed. Once a refund has been made you will get a notification from email. The estimation counted since we received the bank details from the customer. 

Informasi Pengembalian Dana

FAQs – Pertanyaan Penting:

  • Berapa lama proses pengembalian?

Berikut estimasi penerimaan dana refund berdasarkan metode pembayaran yang anda gunakan sebelumnya :

1. Kartu kredit : 14 - 30 hari kerja (tidak termasuk weekend dan hari libur nasional)

2. Kartu debit Indonesia : 7 - 14 hari kerja (tidak termasuk weekend dan hari libur nasional)

3. Bank transfer : 7 - 14 hari kerja (tidak termasuk weekend dan hari libur nasional)

  • Bagaimana proses pengembalian dana dengan kartu kredit/debit (Visa/Master)?

Untuk pengembalian dana dengan kartu kredit akan diproses secara otomatis dikembalikan ke limit kartu kredit. 

  • Bagaimana proses pengembalian dana dengan kartu debit Indonesia (Visa/Master)?

Metode pengembalian ini hanya berlaku bagi customer yang telah melakukan pembayaran menggunakan kartu debit bank Indonesia. Anda diwajibkan untuk memberikan informasi rekening anda agar dapat diproses. Begitu proses pengembalian dana telah selesai maka anda akan mendapatkan notifikasi via email. Estimasi pengembalian dana dihitung setelah kami menerima data rekening dari konsumen. 

  • Bagaimana proses pengembalian dana bila saya membayar melalui Virtual account (bank transfer)

Metode pengembalian ini hanya berlaku bagi customer yang telah melakukan pembayaran menggunakan bank transfer atau virtual account. Anda diwajibkan untuk memberikan informasi rekening anda agar dapat diproses. Begitu proses pengembalian dana telah selesai maka anda akan mendapatkan notifikasi via email. Estimasi pengembalian dana dihitung setelah kami menerima data rekening dari konsumen.

  • After waiting for the duration mentioned above, the payment is not reflected in the bank statement. What to do?

We regret the inconvenience, Kindly contact us at +62 21 2789 9999 or email us at [email protected] for further assistance.